How to Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength

Biceps, Triceps, Fit, Fitness, Muscle, Body, Athlete

Maintaining a Big, Strong Physique
Monitor your progress. As you start gaining strength and building muscle, keep track of how much weight you gain, how much weight you can lift, and what exercises you do from week to week. This will help you figure out what works for your body and what doesn't, and keep you from getting into a workout rut.

If you find that a certain muscle group doesn't seem to be making significant gains, switch up your exercises to see if something else works better.
Alter your diet as necessary to help you lose fat and gain muscle. Experiment with different ratios of protein, fats and carbohydrates to find a balance that helps you achieve your weight and fitness goals.

Get plenty of rest. When you're in training mode, it can be hard to remember how important it is to rest between sessions. Your body needs time to repair itself after workouts. Don't push yourself too hard, or you may find yourself sitting on the couch with a pulled muscle instead of at the gym training to failure.
Sleeping well is another essential aspect of gaining mass and strength in a healthy way. Try to get seven to nine hours per day.

How to Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength  How to Gain More Muscle Mass and Strength Reviewed by on 9:43 PM Rating: 5

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